Welcome to the Immerse: Messiah 8-Week Journey!
Dive into the New Testament like never before. This study is designed for groups or personal reflection, guided by weekly videos, study guides, and the Immerse: Messiah Bible.
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Click Each Week For Video And Resources.
Week 1 — Luke
Luke-Acts, Part 1
Brief summary of the week’s focus.
New Videos Added Every Sunday Starting February 2nd for 8 Weeks!

Week 1 — Luke
Luke-Acts, Part 1
As you read through the Gospel of Luke this week you will notice it contains 3 main sections: Jesus early ministry in Israel's northern region of Galilee; Jesus journey south towards Jerusalem where he fulfills his calling; the climax of Jesus mission on earth through his death and resurrection.
Step 1: Watch This Week's Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 1 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 2 — Acts, 1&2 Thessalonians
Luke-Acts, Part 2
The book of Acts describes how the first community of Jesus followers begin taking the message about him to all the surrounding nations. We also see the persecution of his followers, and yet the message continues to spread. 1 Thessalonians is the earliest letter we have from Paul and provides guidance and support for the followers of Jesus.
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 2 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 3 — 1&2 Corinthians, Galatians, Romans
Letters of Paul, Part 1
Paul writes 1 & 2 Corinthians to address challenges and questions the church is struggling with, covering a variety of topics. Paul takes time to explain why it isn’t necessary for the Gentiles to keep the Jewish law in the book of Galatians. Paul’s longest letter is written to the Roman believers, sharing the life transforming news about Jesus that welcomes both the Jew and the Gentile into God’s family.
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 3 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 4 —Romans, Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians, 1 Timothy, Titus, 2 Timothy
Letters of Paul, Part 2
Paul spent years travelling around sharing the Good News of Jesus with Jews and Gentiles planting churches all over. He spent years in prison yet continued to write letters to the churches to encourage them. (Philemon, Colossians, Ephesians, Philippians) During a brief time out of prison he wrote two of his most trusted co-workers Timothy & Titus, advising them on how to guide the troubled churches.
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 4 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 5 — Mark, 1&2 Peter, Jude
Mark, 1 & 2 Peter, Jude
Peter had to decide if the Good News of Jesus was worth dying for as they would be challenged to lay down their lives for it. Before Peter died, he entrusted his memories of Jesus to Mark to write down. The message that is shared is, “Victory though defeat. Life through death. Joy through suffering.”
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 5 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 6 — Matthew
Matthew shares Jesus as the new beginning God’s people have been waiting for. He divides the book into 5 parts: The foundations of the Kingdom of Heaven, The mission of the Kingdom of Heaven, The mystery of the Kingdom of Heaven, The family of the Kingdom of Heaven, and The destiny of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 6 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 7 — Hebrews, James, John
The Gospel of John shows how Jesus is the fulfillment of the ancient Jewish story and Jesus is also the start of something new. John shares seven “I am” statements, revealing who Jesus was, the Messiah.
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 7 Audio At Your Own Pace

Week 8 — John, 1–3 John, Revelation
Revelations was an appeal to the churches to persevere in their loyalty to Jesus as the one true God. John writes about the visions given to him with the messages that “Love will triumph in the end. God will prevail. Evil will be judged. Things will be made new.”
Step 1: Watch This Weeks Video
Step 2: Watch This Recap Video
Listen To Week 8 Audio At Your Own Pace