Feel free to use the prayer wall below to both submit a prayer request, but also pray for others. Note that if you submit a prayer request, it will be public. If you would like to reach out to us privately use the button below.
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Please pray for my relationship-my boyfriend just lost his dad rather suddenly and I am not sure how to best support him. Can you please pray for God's will to be done between us and for us to resolve our conflicts and work though our issues for God's glory and that His purposes for bringing us together would be fulfilled. Please pray for peace and unity and healing for us as individuals and together.
Received: June 21, 2024
Powered by Prayer Engine
Perhaps you’re wondering if you’d benefit from counselling? Or you’d appreciate talking to a Pastor, or having someone to pray with you? Here is the best place to reach us – please send us an email using the button below, letting us know how we can best serve you.