This is an early morning woman's group with several ongoing studies between September and June. Join us for a session, a series, a few of our series or you can join us for the full experience. October 23 to December 11 "The Overcomers" Are you ready to live fully prepared and fully equipped to handle anything life throws at you? As Christians, we can be courageous and confident, knowing that God has placed us in human history for his purposes, and he will empower us regardless of our circumstances. We will walk through the book of Revelation to remind us of God's fierce, conquering, commanding authority over all the earth. Winter Study: Jan 29 - Apr 2 | "One at a Time" by Kyle Idelman | Spring Study: Apr 9 - May 7 | "With" by Skye Jethani Religion offers people particular ways of relating with God, but are we approaching him with the right perspective? To what extent do fear and a desire for control skew our attitude toward God? Join author Skye Jethani in this five-session study as he explores four popular but flawed postures—Life Under God, Over God, From God, and For God—then offers a more freeing and hopeful option for relating with the God who loves us. What does Life With God look like? | Led by Tracey Langlois Wednesdays 6am-7am Online RSVP: Women's Online Small Group - AM
Upcoming Events:
Feb812:00am | Muskoka Woods
Feb811:00am |
Feb912:00am | Muskoka Woods
Feb99:00am | Main Auditorium - 118
Feb910:15am | Meeting Room A - 212
Feb911:00am | Main Auditorium - 118
Feb912:00pm | Café Seating
Feb107:00pm |