Men's Community Group | Thurs PM
Every week on Thursday until Dec 5, 2024 from 7:00p to 8:30p
Daily it's getting more challenging to be a man. Our present culture is redefining manhood and confusing men in their pursuit of Biblical manhood. But how will you respond? What will you say and do when the world demands a response? Discover how to respond by rejecting passivity, accepting responsibility, leading courageously, loving unconditionally, living with integrity, serving humbly, and investing eternally. Let others see masculinity and manhood through the lens of Christ in your life with these seven characteristics and become a better man, husband, father, and leader.
Thurs, Oct 3 - Dec 5
Upcoming Events:
Oct117:00pm |
Oct117:00pm | Auditorium B - 165
Oct117:00pm | Meeting Room A - 212
Oct117:00pm | Multi-Purpose - 152
Oct1210:00am | Multi-Purpose - 152
Oct123:00pm | LifePoint Church Room
Oct139:00am | Main Auditorium - 118
Oct139:00am | Multi-Purpose - 152