Women's Outdoor Small Group - Karen + Nancy
Every 2 weeks on Tuesday until Aug 27, 2024 from 7:00p to 8:30p
Ladies, come join us Tuesday evenings!
Our goal is to create an atmosphere that fosters an enjoyable time of fun, fellowship, encouragement, connections and community amongst women.
It's a place where real life and faith intersect sharing God's love, knowing that you are not alone in this world.
Every other week the group will meet and have time for devotional, testimony and a space for you to share what God has placed on your heart. Meetings are outdoors (bring your coffee and a lawn chair). RSVP
Upcoming Events:
Mar128:00pm | Additional Meeting Space
Mar137:30am | Café Seating
Mar131:00pm | Niagara United Mennonite Church
Mar131:00pm | LifePoint Church Room
Mar136:30pm |
Mar137:00pm | Niagara United Mennonite Church
Mar137:00pm |
Mar137:00pm | Meeting Room A - 212