Facilitating Meaningful Prayer in Groups
Here are some ways you can become more intentional and creative in leading your group prayer time.
Am I Caretaking or Caregiving?
People can be messy. Groups are messy. When problems, trauma and red-flag patterns arise in the group, how can we show we care without burning out?
A Fun Way to Boost Energy and Engagement in Groups
Icebreakers that actually work…!
When Is It Wise to Cancel Our Group Meeting?
5 Thoughts to Consider Before You Send Out That Message…
Building Connection Through Sharing Our Stories in Groups
Sharing stories is a natural and authentic way to build connection with one another.
Preparing For a Comfortable Group Launch
Your first meeting isn’t about perfection or good impressions. It’s about being authentic, inviting and being like Jesus – setting the foundation for meaningful connection and relationships.
7 Ways to Fill Your New Group
So you’re starting a group at Central. Now you’re wondering, how do I fill my group with the people who need it most?
Leading When You Don’t Know the Answer
The pressure to have answers can overwhelm leaders and leave them feeling unqualified to lead… So, what’s the answer?!
Fostering an Environment for New Believers to Grow
How do we care for and help new believers on their journey to developing as followers of Jesus?
Caring for the People in My Group
When Do I Call an Area Pastor?