Clean Beauty for the Mind Group
Nov 25, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Maybe you're tired of being chained to limited thinking. You're frustrated with your inability to capture what you know is available for you. And you know you need a fresh point of view to see your goals and dreams clearly, but just aren't sure how to break the cycle. You can learn what it means to rise above the clouds of negativity and experience the clear perspective waiting for you.
This is a 2-week group for Men and Women led by the author of the book 'Clean Beauty for the Mind' by Karlene Markham. Reading the book as part of the group is an asset.
Upcoming Events:
Dec89:00am | Main Auditorium - 118
Dec810:15am | Meeting Room A - 212
Dec811:00am | Main Auditorium - 118
Dec812:00pm | Café Seating
Dec87:00pm | Auditorium B - 165
Dec96:00pm |
Dec106:30pm | Auditorium B - 165
Dec107:00pm |